About: Brenda


Recent Posts by Brenda


Is My Pancreas Still Working ?

Submitted by on Tue, 19/07/2016 - 1:23
Great Article !! I often wondered if my pancreas was working when I had unexpected low blood sugars lastiing so long. I had an ultrasound and the technician commented on my pancreas being normal size when she usually sees much smaller in long term T1d’s. Denise Faustman, MD, PhD | September 3rd 2014 If you Continue Reading

Summer Heat and Blood Glucose

Submitted by on Tue, 05/07/2016 - 22:39
Now that we are deep into the summer months, it is important for everyone to beware of the heat – and the various effects that it can have on our bodies. Have you ever noticed your blood sugar either spiking or dropping rapidly in severe temperatures? Many people with Type 1 diabetes run into this issue Continue Reading

Washing Hands before Glucometer Test

Submitted by on Thu, 24/03/2016 - 17:57
Recently, a nurse told me that any sweet substance on fingers can influence a glucometer test.  I was skeptical so I tested it.  I put a little jam on my fingers, wiped it off and did a blood test.  The result was 28.5 when I was really 7.5!!! We depend on our glucometers to address Continue Reading

Verio Update

Submitted by on Mon, 10/08/2015 - 15:46
Lifescan has changed the One Touch Verio.  The battery, in the previous version, could be charged via wall plug or USB.  I really liked that feature.  Unfortunately,  they have removed that and we are back to batteries again.  The problem with test strips errors (err2) has been significantly reduced.  However,  it still exists and occurs Continue Reading

One Touch Verio

Submitted by on Mon, 01/09/2014 - 0:02
Over the years,  I’ve  used many glucometers.  I got my first one when I was about 25 yrs. old.  It cost $350.00 dollars.  IBM covered that expense for me.  It took minutes to get a result but what an improvement!   Today,  they give the glucometers away if you buy test strips.  Results in 5 Continue Reading

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